
Help children build a spirit of lifelong learning

Not all children are interested in learning right away. Parents need to motivate and help children build self-discipline in learning early.

When children appear distracted, indifferent or avoid studying, parents often think of reasons for laziness. In that situation, some parents choose to deter their children with words or various punishments.

Deterrence is not the solution

Children who are lazy to study can come from many reasons: Pressure due to too much homework, children not understanding the lesson, subjects that do not arouse interest… According to Mr. Lester Stephens – principal of Saigon Pearl International Preschool and Primary School (Binh Thanh district, Ho Chi Minh City), teachers and parents need to pay attention to differentiating educational methods for children, so that children are interested in learning and practicing. He also said that each child is an individual, some children learn well by listening, and some children learn faster through images, reading habits or activities. No two children are the same.

Therefore, when a child has the above symptoms, parents first need to spend time observing and finding out where the child’s problem is, then seriously think about a correct strategy to help the child solve the problem. balanced again. Parents can also seek some advice from educational experts.

First of all, help children set up a scientific schedule. When homework is distributed properly, children will feel less overwhelmed, pressured and bored. Arranging a child’s study corner in an area with green trees and lots of light will help your child improve concentration.

Besides, parents should not forget to encourage their children more in their favorite subjects. For example, if your child likes dinosaurs, buy them more books about dinosaurs and the animal world; Let children participate in artistic activities such as music, painting, or practice sports and encourage them to pursue a favorite subject…

Help children find inspiration for learning Children who are highly self-aware, always curious about everything, often have better academic results than normal children. Researchers believe that the most important thing is to focus on developing children’s core internal strength, which means helping children practice the habit of learning out of curiosity and interest, not forcing or run after scores.

Parents can regularly talk, read books, watch TV with their children and link the knowledge children learn into daily life to arouse interest. Be ready to answer any of your children’s questions, help them solve difficult math problems, and don’t forget to give them praise or encouraging rewards to help them strengthen their confidence and gain more motivation to strive.

Parents are allowed to compare children with other children, but it must be a positive comparison. Instead of saying “why can you do it but I can’t?” say: “You can do it because you have worked hard and tried, if you try harder you can do the same as you”…

Sharing about this topic, Mr. Lester Stephens, Principal of ISSP added that children often learn more from adults than what we teach them, so parents need to be a good example for their children to follow.

The teacher also noted that children will be more inspired to learn when they actively choose what they want to learn and how to learn. This is also a modern education model applied in many schools around the world, including Saigon Pearl International School. This is called personalized teaching method.

Accordingly, teachers will develop lesson plans for each student based on each child’s unique needs, interests and abilities. “For that reason, at ISSP school, in addition to subjects such as Math, Reading, Writing, and Science, we also have a full range of functional rooms and highly specialized teachers in diverse fields such as Sports, Music. music, painting…. We also do not evaluate students through their scores but through their development process at each stage,” Mr. Lester Stephens explained.


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